Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wiser? Wisen' up? Wise ass?...

I love going through my life like it was a timeline on a piece of paper. Here is where the dinosaurs roamed, fire was discovered... and oh, I lost my first tooth somewhere here. As I mentally scan my somewhat fun chart, I noticed a disgraceful trend dating back a few years ago. The trend was, there was nothing worth noting. oooo. Not the best of trends. When put side by side with another person's timeline, I note the lack of exciting things I wanted for myself (a salary so big, tax deduction actually makes a dent, a car that has digital meters, my own place to decorate, and.. oh yeah. A husband and kid(s)). I know, I know, never compare yourself to others... but really. Seriously. How did this blank period in my timeline happen? Wasted time? Silly decisions? Bad choices? Pure stupidity? Probably a combination of everything.

I should stop wasting my time on this lifeboat in the middle of no where and start paddling, to anywhere.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

29 turning 25


I'm silently counting down the days before my (gulp) 30th birthday. 40year old would say... aww you're still a baby! 20 year old would cringe and say.. oo the big 30. Followed by a tight lip and awkward look to the left.

Yea yea missy. I know what you're thinking. I too was once a 20 year old. About 9 years ago. sigh.

So it didn't really hit me till, oooo... a few months back, that I'm ageing. It was when I suddenly had the urge to buy night creams, and SK Miracle Water and health supplements. And what really hit me was, I didn't even bother asking "how much?". Crap.

Everyone keeps telling me... ooo don't worry dear.. its only a number... Seriously. When a young 20 year old walks past you, you don't do the "oh she's so young" look and take a quick glace at your partner to see if he's stealing a glace at her? Really? C'mon. We're all guilty. Admit it.

So yaa. I do hope i age gracefully... with the help of my miracle cream, water, tonic. hopefully!!